Gothic Moved

Gothic style has moved to it's own blog! Check it out HERE

Saturday, December 21, 2019

To Knock or Not

 Well, here we are at the witches' mansion where I wanted to propose the idea of a school for young witches. But, though the wolves don't bother me at all, being a lycantrope, those stick figures and such are making the hair on the back of my neck raise. Do I knock or call in my grandma to help, she's a witch as well.

Shopping List

(Sponsors in Bold Print)


RITUAL -  Elspeth - Tone 7 & 8 / Raven
Head appliers fitted for LAQ, Genus, Lelutka, Caata with No Brow/Light/Brown/Black Brow options. Also options for freckles/no freckles. Also includes body appliers for Maitreya, Belleza, SLink, Tonic, Omega, V-Tech, AMD Bump with 4 cleavage options and freckle options. Classic system skins and bakes on mesh skins also included

Mesh Body Parts:
Catwa - Catya head
 Maitreya - Lara body, hands, and feet.
Cubic Cherry - Winter's Kiss eyes HUNT PRIZE
Mesh lenses and Omega applier included in this great 5L hunt prize at Winter's Hollow by Dark Passion Events until December 31

.EscalateD. Winter Solstice Gift - Solaris
This includes 2 versions,(Base/streak and Duo), a special Winter edition HUD, and StyleHUD.It is a fitted mesh hair and a gift under the Solstic Tree at Winter's Hollow

Paper Moon - Tangled Up In Lights
These strings of lights turn scarf come in both Static and Blink. Cute, fun, festive and in 7 versions. This is an exclusive item at Winter's Hollow

Dark Passions - Koffin Nails -  Lunar Stag - Yule
Includes appliers for Slink, Maitreya, and Omega with a 6 texture HUD. Another great 5L hunt prize at Winter's Hollow


zOOm - Hermione Outfit 
Sweater and skirt for Maitreya, Freya, and Hourglass with texture change HUD. This is an exclusive item at Winter's Hollow

VENGE -  ' Yule Tree ' Earrings
Unrigged mesh earrings with multi level texture hud for tree and bulbs. An exclusive item at Winter's Hollow
!The Little Bat - Moon Bindi
 Original unrigged mesh, resize scripted with texture HUD. Also a 5L hunt prize at Winter's Hollow

!The Little Bat - Mina Stockings
 Original mesh includes texture HUD with 10 colors and 6 metals options. Rigged for Maitreya, Belleza, and Slink. An exclusive item at Winter's Hollow

unstable. Whimsical Antlers
Mesh accessory with falling ice particle effect, 4 different versions included, texture HUD included with or without particle system and materials enabled. An exclusive item at Winter's Hollow
Includes a 10 shimmering light decor and 2 wearable versions, 1 which rotates. On sale at Winter's Hollow


Dragon Magick Wares - Mead Cottage
This is 15x27 and 110 prims with front room with loft and three side rooms. An exclusive item at Winter's Hollow
LOVE - Wolf and Lamp 
  Also comes in Sleeping Stalking and Looking at Moon versions. The wolves are not linked together so you can put them together or apart or position them how you want. They are copy so you can pop out as many as you need or want. An exclusive item at Winter's Hollow

Props and Poses
Jess Pose - Bento Noel 21
Includes static pose and poseball

Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Howling

The wolves are happily howling as they also wait for the Winter Solstice, the longest night of all. We can't wait to bathe in the moonlight.

 Shopping List

(Sponsors in Bold Print)

Go&See * Trina * Pale ~ 
Catwa Applier and also includes BOM layers

Mesh Body Parts:
Catwa - Catya head
 LEGACY Female Mesh body

Zombie Suicide - Dragon Eyes
 They include system eyes in 12 color choices. A pair of mesh eyes, and appliers for the mesh eyes as well as Omega, also with the 12 color choices, which can be applied separately.

!!Firelight!! - Eleanor Curls  
Rigged mesh hair, multi shade curls texture HUD, 2 curl effects.
Currently at Prada Couture Dec 1 to 25

Beauty Kartel -  Valencia Bento Nails w/Hud
 Maitreya, Belleza, and Slink mesh nails with Texture HUD. Currently at Galleria - December round


KiB Designs - Geneva MiniDress 
 Suicide Dollz Includes sizes for Maitreya, Freya, Hourglass, isis, Physique, and Venus with Texture HUD. Currently at Suicide Dollz December 8-20

Beauty of Darkness -  Olisha Boots
 Includes 10 texture options, 7 bows, 3 metals, and heels. Rigged for Maitreya, Slink(Physique and Hourglass), Belleza (Freya, Isis, Venus), eBody (Classic and Curvy), and Altamura.

Six Feet Under- Witch Craft Collar 
Includes Collar scripted and unscripted with Texture HUD. Currently at Suicide Dollz

Xxxtasi - Medallian Earrings 
 Includes 4 great metal choices, black, gold, rose gold, and silver.  Currently at Galleria - December round

Props and Poses
Joplino - Backdrop Winter Wolves 
A great Backdrop build! Currently at Suicide Dollz

Lush Poses - Tara
 A free gift at the Pose Fair - Winter Holiday. Includes single pose with mirror

Monday, December 9, 2019

Gothic Skater

Even the dark ones need to get out to play at times. Skating along the ice as the moon glimmers it's reflection upon it.

 Shopping List

(Sponsors in Bold Print)


*Birth* - 3rd Gen 'Freya'
This comes in your choice of 8 tones (02 shown here), includes Catwa applier, brow options,  BOM layers and shape.
Mesh Body Parts:
Catwa - Catya head
 LEGACY Female Mesh body

IKON Sovereign Eyes - Emerald
Includes mesh eyes with HUD and system eyes in 5 size options.

.EscalateD. Feodosia

Unrigged resizeable hair includes 2 versions Base/Streak and Duo with 3 mini HUDS as a gift in the Peace On Earth Hunt 12 December 1st - 31st.There will also be the regular HUDS on sale as a pre-release sale for 50% off only during the hunt! Textures from the Browns HUD shown here.

VENGE -  Catwa Lashes - Yule Berry
Catwa applier which comes with 3 color choices.
VENGE -  Goth Tones Lipstick
Includes Catwa and Omega appliers with luscious colors. 
 Stargazer Creations Body Shine Materials - Snowflakes Set
 This pack includes body lights in three brightness versions, and materials HUD for Catwa, Omega, Legacy, and Maitreya. Please note that due to the unique composition of the Maitreya body, the shine will not show color but will still show the lovely design. Also offered on all their products are FREE updates for life.You can find this at The Liaison Collaborative December 3-26

*League*  - Gift: 3 Classic Wing Eyeliners
BOM layers in 3 classic eyeliner choices. This was a Skin Addiction group gift during Black Friday 2019.

Stargazer Creations - Aspen Gacha
This gacha collection skating boots, body suit and bento gloves in 5 colors to be won. Special player prize are the Face Gems. Created exclusively for the Legacy body. You can find this at the Imaginarium December


RuneCreation  - Ice Pond
 Includes board with ice skater giver, snow emitter is an added optional item. A special item at Twisted Krissmuss Holiday Gift Sale Event through January 3

Props and Poses
Something New -  Ice Skater F1 Includes 2 single and 2 couple skating poses