The veil grows thinner, our magic increases as ancestors reach out to communicate on hallowed ground.
Shopping List
Facet Shapes - Greta Shape is a gift for the upcoming WomenStuff Hunt November 1-31. Includes Style Card and Shape based on Catwa/Mat.
.lovelysweet. - Feral Eyes come with an Omega and also Vista applier with 4 textures.
The Little Bat - Cursed Tears is an exclusive 8 options, Catwa and Omega appliers. This can be found at Trick or Treat Lane Oct 12-Nov 2 .
.lovelysweet. - Feral Eyes come with an Omega and also Vista applier with 4 textures.
The Little Bat - Cursed Tears is an exclusive 8 options, Catwa and Omega appliers. This can be found at Trick or Treat Lane Oct 12-Nov 2 .
Sn@tch - Maeve Hair is a new release, which includes two mesh sizes, and comes in 6 texture pack choices.
[House of Ruby] - Zombie Crop Top is unisex and comes with appliers for Belleza, Slink, Omega and Maitreya with 3 print textures to choose from.
Sn@tch - Adora Full Skirts (All Colors) is one of the Riot Vendor items this week. This wrinkled crepe skirt
comes in 7 fitmesh sizes, including include
Slink, Belleza, Maitreya, Ebody and standard fitmesh. and includes a hud containing 13 colors with black dip versions.
The Little Bat- Winifred's Necklace, which is resizeable, is a gift to be found at Trick or Treat Lane
VENGE- Original Mesh - Dark Anisah Head Adornment comes with a 5 texture hud for the jewel. It is an exclusive at The Underdog Event - Samhain. This is their Anniversary round which opened Oct 20
CIRCA - "Grim Grave" Prop Items Old Trees & Single Grave Prop or Reaper
& Duo Graves prop. These can both be found at the main store.
Captured Waters - Crow bait with resizer is a great decor item for Halloween or even any Gothic themed space.
Props and Poses
Something New~ Her Fire Within includes poseball with pose and 2 holdable props and is available at their Halloween Store.
Jay BattleScars 11.0 - Apologize

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